Fraser and Tracy in Papua New Guinea write:
Hello everybody and happy February! 
We really did think we’d be able to send this update out while it was still January but alas no: I managed our solar electricity system rather badly yesterday so had to wait for the watery sunshine of today to top our battery up so I could use our PC!

In addition to our newsletter  click here you can see our latest video offering on YouTube by clicking here

Thank you so much for all of the greetings, updates and general encouragement that has come our way since our last newsletter went out. As you can see from this one, we’ve had a lovely couple of months (a rat infestation, seasonal colds/sinusitis and noisy neighbourhood partying notwithstanding!) and are looking forward to what 2022 will bring.

With love and big grins from Fraser and Tracy

Latest News from the Norburys with MAF in Papua New Guinea