Welcome to Worship this Week
Sunday 26 April – 2 May 2020
Have a look at the resources below, and decide what you would like to use for your worship. There is a variety to suit all ages.
Set aside a time and a place (e.g. kitchen table, sofa) for God that works well for you. Try to keep Sunday special, but feel free to dip in to any of the resources at any time throughout the week. If you are able to, you might like to print children’s or all age resources before you begin.
Then simply worship just where you are, knowing that you are still connecting with your St Andrew’s family.
Worship Suggestions for families with younger children:
Includes Bible story cartoon, song, activities and prayer, by Janice: Click here.
Material for older children and youth
by Patrick: Click here.
Opening prayer:
Faithful one, whose word is life:
come with saving power
to free our praise,
inspire our prayer
and shape our lives
for the kingdom of your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Opening music for this week
Feel free to select from the songs offered, or to use them all in if you’d like to. You can sing out loud or listen to the music, whichever helps you worship.
Songs selected by: Annie Hunt
Hymn: I will sing the wondrous story
Worship song: This is the air I breathe
Worship song: Be still
Saying sorry to God and receiving God’s forgiveness
We come to God knowing that only he sees our hearts completely,
let’s take moment of time to ask for his forgiveness and peace.
You may like to pause after each sentence and tell God anything specific that is on your
Say these words of the confession out loud:
God of love and mercy,
we recognise that none of us are perfect.
We turn from the wrong things
we have thought and said and done,
and are aware of the good things that we have failed to do.
For the sake of Jesus, who died for us,
forgive us for all that is past,
and help us to live each day
in the light of Jesus our risen Lord.
We receive God’s forgiveness: Absolution
May the God of love and mercy
forgive us and free us from our sins,
heal and strengthen us by his Spirit,
and raise us to new life in Jesus Christ.
Bible reading
Anna Sanderson reads Luke 24:13-35
Podcast preach by Rev’d Chris Harrison
Song suggestion for after the sermon
You may like to simply listen to this next song and reflect on the words, then say a prayer of your own in response to the sermon or song.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Alternative song: Thank You for the Cross
Led by Mike & Ruth Kirtley. With thanks to Christchurch, London.
For a prayer list of St Andrew’s church front-line workers please contact Kate.
The Blessing
We end by saying a Blessing:
May the risen Lord Jesus bless us.
May he watch over us and renew us
As he renews the whole of creation.
May our hearts and lives echo his love
Closing song
One thing remains
No church Zoom coffee today.
To keep your spirits up: head to Be Encouraged (www.standrewsgwp.org/be-encouraged) on St Andrew’s website for positive pictures and inspiring news. You’ll find an Easter-bonnet parade from our baby group (Bump & Beyond), stunning wildflower pics, a cross discovered on a beach – and more. Send email your own uplifting images or thoughts to be-encouraged@standrewsgwp.org
For prayer requests to the prayer ministry team please email prayer@standrewsgwp.org. The requests are prayed for by St Andrew’s clergy and the prayer ministry team on duty this week; they are kept confidential to this group.
How about making a patchwork prayer square during the lockdown? When joined together, we hope to hang the prayer squares somewhere at Church. You can use anything to make your prayer square: fabric, buttons, ribbon etc. For details see our “Be encouraged” page: www.standrewsgwp.org/be-encouraged